Read Books 📚

It’s week 70 of 100 Word Wednesday, and here is the photo and my (almost late 😅) response. 🙂 If you’d like to join in the fun, just click the link! 😉

Image by Bikurgurl

Reach upon the shelf
Extract an intriguing title
And find a comfortable place and get a hot
Drink – prepare for an adventure.

Books —
Open to view the pages,
Open a portal to new worlds
Keep traveling from my comfy chair
See the universe from different perspectives.

Learn about interesting places,
Events from the past or present, or places that
Exist in the mind and dream, or
Relive memories,

Live other’s lives
Instead of just your own –
Become a new person.
Realize you can also create
Other worlds, places, times, and perspectives –
Sit down, open a blank journal, and just write.

In addition to this being a free verse poem, it is also an acrostic. If you noticed this but were second-guessing on the last two parts, “Leer Libros” is “(To) Read Books” in Spanish, so that was an attempt to repeat the phrase in Spanish, haha. 😊

35 thoughts on “Read Books 📚

        • I’ve been okay! 🙂 Still dealing with some sleep issues, but at least I’m going to bed around midnight now. XD

          How are you? I saw in your recent post (I’m behind but when I see a post begin with something like that, I go ahead and read out of order 😅) that you were in pain; I hope you’re feeling better now!

          Liked by 1 person

          • Yes 🙂 I am out of pain currently. I get bad cramps that make me dizzy and sick, and yesterday and the day before I was hurting. Hopefully, the worst is over for the month 🙂 thanks for asking!

            I need to get better at sleeping still. But going to bed at midnight is great!!

            Liked by 1 person

            • Oh, I’m sorry to hear that! I hope the worst is over too! ❤

              I hope you get better at it!

              Haha, I wrote that comment yesterday and then I was awake until past 2AM last night. Grrr. XD It wasn't by choice though. My stomach sometimes likes to see how much acid it can produce. XP On the bright side, maybe I will be able to go to bed early tonight? 😅

              Liked by 1 person

              • Maybe you will! Oh, I hope you are able to, that would be nice! Yes, the worst for this month is over 🙂 (unless I have the rare occasion in comes back, but it shouldn’t till at least next month.)

                Liked by 1 person

                • Nope, didn’t. XD **sigh** Oh well.

                  I’m glad! Haha, I used to have something similar (without the dizziness) and I found out that the caffeine in soft drinks and coffee seemed to make it worse, so I avoid that as much as I can. I don’t even miss the soft drinks, but I still have the coffee sometimes – and pay for it if my stomach is already aching. X) Do you think that might help you as well? 🙂

                  Liked by 1 person

                  • When it’s that “time of the month” definitely. I avoid caffeine and drinking milk. Dairy is okay, from what I read, but milk isn’t good. I usually drink water daily most of the time anyway. I only make about 1-2 cups of coffee sparingly. I don’t drink it daily or even weekly. My body has always had this issue since I was 10. Thanks for the suggestions though 🙂

                    Liked by 1 person

                    • Milk? I had no idea that milk could make it worse too. I’ll have to keep that in mind!

                      Usually, I’m drinking hot chocolate and water. Chocolate contains caffeine too I know, but it seems like it’s still okay. Not as bad as coffee anyway. So I substitute that for coffee. XD

                      Oh wow, I’m sorry it’s been a problem for that long.

                      🙂 And thank you for the suggestion. ❤

                      Liked by 1 person

  1. I love this! It makes me actually want pick up a book a read! 😉 (My secret: I’m a writer but not really a reader… Though I am definitely trying to read more this summer!).

    Liked by 2 people

      • Just yesterday I started reading the first book on my summer reading list– The Hunger Games. I already more that half way through the book! So I guess I’m not quite as slow a reader as I thought… 😉 Lol! My goal is to get through the Hunger Games trilogy (I have watched the movies, but I’ve never read the books before…) and then I want to read Andrew Peterson’s The WingFeather Saga (4 books in total).

        Wow! 100 books?! That is amazing! Go you! ❤

        Liked by 1 person

        • Oh, how fun! 🙂 I have that book but haven’t read it yet. I’ve seen the first movie but not the rest – yet. How did you like the movies, and how would you compare the first movie to the first book thus far?

          That’s great! 😀

          Oh, I’ve heard of Andrew Peterson! One of my best friends loves his music, and then found out that he is also an author. The WingFeather Saga is on my “Want To Read” list. 🙂

          Thanks! It’s daunting, but we’ll see how far I get. I don’t expect to read all 100 this year. XD But I have already read 20! (My goal is 40, but I may have to increase the goal again because I keep almost reaching it. 😅)

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          • The funny thing is, I always refused to watch The Hunger Games because I thought they were boring and gory and I can’t stand tons of blood and gore! But low and behold, several months ago my brother “forced” me into watching them and I surprised myself by actually liking them.
            The first book is nearly identical to the movie but gives more in depth explanation as to what’s going on. I feel the book also goes a bit more into how much the media is lying and the Capitol is living in luxury while the regular folk are struggling to find their next meal. Though the writing is mediocre at best, I am overall enjoying the book and find it an interesting (and depressing) depiction of our culture.

            If you enjoyed the movie, than you’ll love the book! 😉

            I really liked all the movies, too.

            My family LOVES The WingFeather Saga and have been trying to convince me to read it for some time. I usually like fantasy so I’m sure I’ll enjoy. Andrew Peterson’s music is really lovely. I understand why your friend loves it so much!

            Haha, 20?! I wish I could read that many in one year! My goal is a minimum of 10 this summer… I am determined! Of course, I’ve also read many non-fiction books through school, so I guess those count too! 😉

            Thanks for the encouragement and good luck (I know, we shouldn’t believe in luck but I am too tired to think up another synonym right now! Lol!) on your reading goal!

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            • I thought the same thing at first – and I wasn’t sure about the whole premise – but in order to not be left out, I did see the first one and enjoyed it. 🙂 A friend told me there is one scene in the book that is gory, so I’ll skipping over that part, haha. X) There was a scene in one of the children’s books that I read recently that I couldn’t handle and had to skip over. Extracting a bullet. I was like, “In a kids book?!!!” o.O I expect it in a YA, but not in children’s books. XD

              Thanks – you’re making me more excited to read it! 😀

              Oh, that’s encouraging – I look forward to getting a copy of the Saga someday. 😀

              Yeah… XD But to be fair, quite a few were my old children’s books that I wanted to reread and see if I still enjoyed them (I did), so they were under 200 pages, making for a quick read.

              10 is a good number! 😀 Of course those should count. 🙂 Do you have a Goodreads account to keep up with the books you’re reading?

              LOL! I get what you mean though! Have fun, and good luck (because I’m also tired and can’t think of another way to say it XD)!

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              • Yes, I would have to agree with your friend– the book is actually more gruesome than the movie (I’m glad I watched the movie first…I don’t think I would have watched the movie if I read the book first!). But overall, it was very good.

                I actually do not have Good Reads. I did create an account when registering for a Girl Defined book giveaway a few weeks ago, but I have not actually used my account.

                Liked by 1 person

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