Treasure Tuesday 6/11/2019

This Treasure Tuesday takes place at my great aunt’s house. 🙂

The first discovery was that the roses were blooming. 😊

Aren’t they lovely? 💖

I couldn’t get enough of them.

This was with the flash to really bring them out.

And the grass was pretty too.

I really liked the clovers.

Haha, I probably took too many of those. 😅 These were the best shots.

It was a beautiful day! This is a shot of the area I was metal detecting in:

After taking photos, I pulled out the metal detector. 😀

We also found what we think are wild onions. I wanted to start a batch of them here, so I pulled some up. (I didn’t find the spark plug or the rachet – those are there because we kept having spark plug issues in the lawn mower.) But anyway, the finds!

My first key! 😀 Coins! I knew it might be a great hunt when the first thing I dug was a dime. 1965. One year off from being a silver coin! One of the pennies was 1959 – one year off from being a wheat cent.

Also pull tabs. And tin foil. I am really starting to detest that stuff. But that’s how it goes. 🤷🏻‍♀️

Some sort of blade. (Now I understand why people wear gloves while metal detecting – it’s not just to keep the hands from getting dirty it’s to protect from finding something sharp! 😮) Some sort of overall clip thing? It looks like it might slip over a button? Some sort of aluminum pieces. And a rusty nail. 🤣

A rock. (It was huge so I kept it. 😆) And my first buckle! It was the last find of the day. I’m so happy about this one. 😀 I think it may be a shoe buckle?

Overall, it was a good hunt. 😊

32 thoughts on “Treasure Tuesday 6/11/2019

  1. Beautiful roses. Those pop tabs from soda cans are no fun to find. But it looks like you ran across several treasures with your metal detector. Makes me want to drag our metal detector out and start hunting. Enjoyed your post.

    Liked by 2 people

    • After seeing these, I got some for my mom, though they are little bushes and not climbing ones.

      No, but even pop tabs are better than tin foil. XD

      Yes, I did! 😀 And I hope to find more. Lately I’ve either been too busy to detect or it’s been raining.

      Oohhh if you do, be sure to let us know what you find! 😀

      Thanks! Glad you enjoyed it. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

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