Jesus will be with me – Collaboration with Following Him beside still waters

Hayley from Red Letters asked if she could write a melody to Jesus Will Be With Me and of course, I said YES… and here it is in song form! She did an AMAZING job.

Edit 09/13/2022: The link below appears to be broken; click the link above to visit her blog and listen to it. 😀

Hayley Boden

I’m so excited to share this very special song with you all. My lovely friend, Grace, from Following Him beside still waters wrote a beautiful poem and shared it on her blogpost ‘Jesus will be with me’ on Sunday. I asked if I could put a melody to these inspiring words and turn it into a song and Grace said yes! Here are the words from Grace’s poem.

Verse 1:

When I go through water’s deep,
Jesus will be with me

When billowing waves overtake,
With me, He will still be


For without Him I would drown
In brutal waters deep

If He were not with me, I know
Water would overtake

For without Him, when I lay me down
Fears would keep me from sleep

If He were not with me, from sleep’s hold I would never wake

Verse 2:

When at night I fall fast asleep,

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From Prayers To Prose

From Prayers To Prose

From prayers to prose
Like a scent from a rose

Rising to heaven, sacrifices
As the sun over the horizon, rises
The forests comes to life

Enveloped in the Light
Bringing such delight
It’s a welcoming sight
After the darkness of the night

Image debuted in “Mother’s Day Roses.”

From praise to poetry
Like a sapling grows into a tree

Growing heavenward
Branches reaching upward
Creator gives words to the bard

To showcase His creation
His fantastic imagination
To give others elation
In each and every nation

From worship to song
The notes float along

On the lofty breeze
Even the majestic trees
Dance with ease

Make a jubilant sound
Unto the Lord; let joy abound,
Let our voice be heard all around,
Let those who are lost be found!

Image debuted in “Feel No Shame.”

I thought that it might be fun to experiment with rhyming patterns and try something new. 🙂 This one was originally a part of Eclipse; the plan was to start with the early morning and lead up to the Eclipse,  but it just didn’t work out. (The third stanza about the Light was originally about the sun returning after being covered by the moon.) So it ended up becoming its own poem with a different rhyming pattern instead. 🙂

Have Your Way (Music)

I finally had access to WiFi for a short while a few weeks ago (first time in 6 months so it was quite a treat) and I searched out a few of my favorite worship songs on YouTube for y’all. Here is one of them: “Have Your Way” by Highlands Worship on their album called “Arise” – though it appears to be on this album too. Hope you enjoy the song as much as I do! 🙂 I am currently playing it on repeat and I may be singing along with it, haha. 😅