The Versatile Blogger Award and The Unique Blogger Award

Thank you to Lynn from Lynn Abbot Studios for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award – this is the fourth time I’ve been nominated! 🙂 I’m so honored! If you haven’t been to her blog, just click the link. 🙂

The rules for this award are:

  1. Thank the person who gave you this award, and include a link to their blog.
  2. Nominate blogs that you’ve recently discovered or follow regularly.
  3. Share 7 things about yourself that people might not know.

Okay, here we go:

  • Uno: I dislike most breakfast meats and usually chose to eat a non-breakfast item or cereal or oatmeal. I also don’t like sausage or pepperoni on a pizza.
  • Dos: I like computer games. A lot. Too much…
  • Tres: I still enjoy children’s books. (I’ve been slowly reading through the Hank Zipzer series.)
  • Quatro: This may or may not count, technically, but I met my first vulture baby last week.
  • Cinco: I like hot and spicy food. I’m having spaghetti with a jalapeno pepper as I type this.
  • Seis: In April, I will have been a blogger for two years! My how time flies!
  • Siete: You may have noticed that I counted in Spanish! That’s because I’m learning it with Memrise and Duolingo. I recently learned how to count to twenty (veinte). 😀 And I’m also learning ASL on Memrise because I’ve always liked it and why not?

Nominations (no pressure to participate and sorry if you don’t accept awards):

Carly at Message In Stanza

Eunice at Timbushi World Blog

Tim at Beard With A Blog

Pete at God’s Maintenance Man (or The Psalmist)

Cavelle at A Christian In Bloom

Hayley at Red Letters

Everyone reading this! 😉

Thank you to Carly at Message In Stanza for nominating me for this award! 🙂 And if you haven’t visited her blog before, I linked to her blog in the name. 😉


Answer all the questions asked by the blogger who nominated you
Share the link of the blogger who nominated you
Nominate 8 to 13 bloggers for the same award
Ask 3 questions

My 3 Questions to answer:

  1. What is your main form of reflection: prayer, meditation, or an artistic pursuit and why? Or do you see all these as intertwined?
    • Great question! I had to really think about this one. I’d say that all three are kind of intertwined for me. Stained Glass actually came out of my journal that I sometimes write prayers in, so I guess it is kind of a mix of the three (if you count writing poetry as an artistic pursuit). I haven’t really tried a lot of meditation; prayer, yes.
  2. (I am going to steal DYI’s question): Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
    • Oh wow, in 5 years I’ll be in my 30’s. Suddenly I feel… old. Not like, really old, just… it’s hard for me to grasp. XD I hope that by then I have a driver’s license. And have a book published, whether by self-publishing or trying to get it published some other way.
  3. If you paint or had a desire to paint what kind of things would you paint and where would you paint if you could paint anywhere?
    • If I could paint, I’d paint scenes from my novels and be my own illustrator. One of the most recent things I’ve tried was with color pencils. I’d love to try painting someday.

Nominations (no pressure to participate and sorry if you don’t accept awards):

Dream Filled Daughter at Dreamer’s Outlet

Robyn at Believe

Maggie at Dreaming of Guatemala

Keri L. 

T. R. Noble (Inside Cup or Peeking Beneath – I don’t know which you’d rather post an award post on. 😄)

Eunice at Timbushi World Blog

Incomplete Thinker at Incomplete Thinking

Cavelle at A Christian In Bloom

Faye at Create In Me A Clean Heart

Everyone reading this! 😉

Your questions:

  1. (Stealing Carly’s question. 😆 It was such a great question, I hope you don’t mind.) What is your main form of reflection: prayer, meditation, or an artistic pursuit and why? Or do you see all these as intertwined?
  2. What is your favorite post that you’ve posted so far and why? (And if you wish, include a link so that we can check it out!)
  3. Are you learning a second language or do you already know a second language? If so, what is it?