Turning Over A New Leaf…

…and some old leaves too. So, in all seriousness: leaves and trees are fun to take photos of and I do so often, which makes Cee’s Fun Photography Challenge subject of leaves and trees perfect for me.  🙂

Leaf arrangement

Leaves on moss

This leaf blew against a tree and got stuck on the bark.

Looking up into a tree at night

Sunrise and trees – the background washed out, but I love how the colorful leaves look in the foreground.

A single leaf on the gravel driveway

Two trees at sunset at my grandmas.

A little plant trying to grow from under a layer of leaves and sleet.

A leaf fell and stuck in the snow.

Trees with a cloudy sky.

Trees at sunset

And lastly, a sneak-peak at next week’s photo post – sunrises and sunsets. This one fits in either post because there are also trees, so I decided to share it here as a teaser. 🙂

The Fall Tag

Thank you, Incomplete Thinker, for tagging me to do this tag. It was a lot of fun! 😀


  • Put the tag badge and rules in your post.
  • Answer the 10 fall-related questions.
  • Tag at least 5 other bloggers to join in the fun!


  1. What’s your favourite fall outfit?
    • I really like a scarf my mom gave me a few years ago that has an autumn leaf print. I love wearing a black shirt and a black skirt and wearing it in traditional scarf tradition or tying it around me like a belt. The dark colors make the scarf’s bright orange and red pop!
  2. What is fall weather like where you live? 
    • Cool and colorful. 🙂
  3. Your favorite drink to have in the fall?
    • Dark hot chocolate, though hot tea is a close second!
  4. Does your family have any fall traditions? If so, what are they?
    • Not really. We used to gather and split firewood for out wood stove in the fall, but haven’t done that since my dad became ill a few years ago.
  5. What are some activities and events you enjoy going to in the fall months?
    • Probably Thanksgiving at my grandma’s. Walking by her lake in the fall is something I look forward to.
  6. What’s your favorite fall-scented candle?
    • I can only pick one?! XD There was one that I smelled last year when looking through candles at Walmart, but I can’t remember the name of it… I think it was like an apple pie. I know it made me hungry. XD
  7. Tell us about one of your favorite fall memories.
    • Oh my, I’m not sure. Perhaps last year, walking beside my grandma’s lake. It was so peaceful and mesmerizing. (And it’s also my header image.) My birthday also happens to be in the fall, so I have the birthday memories too.
  8. What are some fall movies you enjoy watching?
    • I don’t know if this counts, but I have always been quite fond of “It’s The Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown!” (Which is ABC is playing tonight.)
  9. What’s your favorite fall treat? 
    • Oh, so many are good. I like candy corn and pumpkin pie.
  10. If you celebrate Halloween, what is the best costume you’ve worn?
    • I used to, but I haven’t in recent years. I think the Wicked Witch of the West was my best, though I always argued that I wasn’t dressing up for Halloween, but for my birthday (which is the day before Halloween – which is tomorrow). I dressed up every year for five years straight as my own version of the Wicked Witch, and I fondly remember the year we went to Walmart to get groceries and I met Glenda, the Good Witch Of The North. XD I was too shy to actually say anything, but it was very amusing when we passed each other in the aisle. XD

I tag…





T. R. Noble


Anyone else who would like to participate! 🙂

Autumn Leaves

Reblogged in response to the Daily Prompt, Leaf, and also, because the first day of Autumn just past. 🙂

Following Him Beside Still Waters

In response to Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge: Autumn – Metal. You may remember the fall photos I shared last February of my grandma’s lake – but that same day, I took a bunch of close-ups of leaves as well that I haven’t shared before.

This one is probably my favorite of these. I like how the fall colors pop against the reflection of the sky on the lake:

These scarlet leaves were so glossy that glare ruined many of my shots, but this one turned out:

I believe these are oak leaves:

And I think these are maple. I like how half is changing and the other half is green, like it couldn’t decide if it was ready to embrace autumn:

If you want to see more fall photos (and a poem), I posted this last November: Fall Magic

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Autumn Leaves

In response to Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge: Autumn – Metal. You may remember the fall photos I shared last February of my grandma’s lake – but that same day, I took a bunch of close-ups of leaves as well that I haven’t shared before.

This one is probably my favorite of these. I like how the fall colors pop against the reflection of the sky on the lake:

These scarlet leaves were so glossy that glare ruined many of my shots, but this one turned out:

I believe these are oak leaves:

And I think these are maple. I like how half is changing and the other half is green, like it couldn’t decide if it was ready to embrace autumn:

If you want to see more fall photos (and a poem), I posted this last November: Fall Magic