Lovely Lilies and Beautiful Butterflies

Hello, everyone! 🙂 Funny story, I intended to take a week break, didn’t think there was a need to announce it, and… it turned into a month. O.O I’ve had a lot on my mind to work through.  It was hard to write during that time, so… I didn’t. Now I’m back, so I hope to see you around! (I’m catching up on comments – I was very behind!) And I’m returning with some of my favorite recent photos to share with you. 🙂

Believe it or not, this was taken on my iPod. (If you follow my Instagram, you may have seen this already.) I love raindrops on flowers.

These are probably my favorites. I adore all the lilies, but the deep red of these are magnificent.

I couldn’t get enough of them.

This one was taken with my camera.  The next one was too. In this one, it focused on the little rod things coming out of the flower. The next one focused on the petals.

I couldn’t decide which I liked better so I’m sharing both.

TR said the petals look like strawberries. This shot does even more so!

And now, onto the other colors…

Yellow lilies! And meet my new friend! 😀 And if you missed it, I put a video version to this photo on Instagram here.

I had two of them arguing over who would land on the flowers first. It was fun to watch them flying all over. Wish I could have gotten that on video but they were too fast.

One gave up and landed on the orange lilies. Sorry for the blur, but he wouldn’t stay still!


These are a different variety. The petals are more crinkly. The others with smoother petals are Asian lilies, according to the tag. I don’t know which variety these are – they were growing wild. I dug them up and relocated them to our house.

Every year, I get a new color. So far I have red, orange, yellow, and pink. (The pink ones decided not to bloom this year.) But I didn’t see any when we were at Lowes, so I came to the conclusion that lily season must be over. But then… I saw a bag on closeout. Lily bulbs! Various colors. I love surprises, and it said it was $10 for 10 bulbs. These two decided they were ready and managed to find their way out of the package, which is why they are growing this way. I wish I had thought to get a photo before I rescued them but I didn’t. The closeout price? $2!!! So I got ten for next year (and years to come) for $2. I’m happy. XD

The other bulbs look healthy, but I have a feeling they may not bloom this year, this late. I hope to find out what colors they are over the next few years. I love surprises and I’m not picky about colors. Any color will thrill me!

When I dug into the bag, some had multiplied already! So I had ten fully mature bulbs and a bunch of tiny babies that had already split off the big ones in the bag. (This is only about half of them.) I planted them too. I don’t know how long it will take for these to grow up but whenever they are old enough to bloom, I look forward to that too. 🙂

Hope you are having a lovely day! ❤

Shining Yellow Lilies

Dutch Goes The Photo’s photo challenge last week was “shine” – though I fear I’m a bit late in posting for the challenge. 😅 My yellow lilies seem to almost glow in the dark in these photos – as if the flowers were made of sunshine. 🙂

And here is a glimpse of the journey that they took to get there:

Plants but the buds are not visible yet.

The plants are bigger but the buds are still too small to see.

Here come the buds!

Fully grown buds – it was only a matter of days. 😀

Hello, yellow Asian Lily! 😍 One of my favorite flowers! God added such detail to the petals.<3 In addition to these, I have orange ones, which are also open now (keep your eyes peeled, that post will probably come later this week), and red ones that are a little further behind and will probably open at the beginning of June. I bought pink ones this year and they already opened and died back. (If you missed them, you can see them here.) I hope to add a new color every year! I really want purple, but I’ve never seen them locally… but I’ve never seen one I didn’t like so I’m sure I’ll find something. 😁

Also, on a different note, I want to thank you all for the support – I got this in my notifications bell a few days ago:

And a special thanks to Keri L, who told me that my posts weren’t showing up in the reader because I was using too many tags and categories. ❤ Looks like it’s working now and people are seeing my posts. 🙂