Arkansas Adventures – Pinnacle Mountain Photos

I know you’re probably wondering where I’ve been. I had some things to prepare for. Exciting things.

I don’t normally post this late in the day (nearly 8:00PM here), but I promised Tammy a post today, and a post today she is going to get. 😁

Friends from Indiana and Virginia came to Arkansas to visit! It was the first time meeting five of them in person. 🙂 (You may know Refreshing Spirit from WordPress! She just created a new blog especially for her adventures in Bolivia. Click to take a look!) We had SO MUCH FUN – even though it was the hottest days of the year and the mosquitoes were horrid. (If you follow me on Instagram, you’ll probably recognize some of these photos.) The next two photos are Willow Beach and then after that are Pinnacle Mountain.

(My new avatar! The boulder climb. I was not prepared for so much climbing but it was a great experience and worth the pain. 🤩)

The view was spectacular!

We had a great time! 😀 And I’m sure you’ll be seeing more photos of the adventure over the next few weeks. It was also interesting to get photos of people for once. Usually, I stick to nature. But I couldn’t help but get photos of my friends. 🙂 And uh. A lot of them without them knowing… 😂

Hope you all have been well! 💖

As The Tropical Vacation Ends

It’s week 30 of 100 Word Wednesday, and here is the photo and my response. 🙂 If you’d like to join in, just click the link! 😉

I’m on a tropical vacation
Fruit drink elation
In an island nation.

Sipping by the seaside
Watching the tide
Oh, I must confide,

This relaxes the tired and weary.
And days become bleary,
Then eyes become teary

As I realize that the conclusion
Is nearing its completion.
Reality clears my vision

As I down the last little flute
Say bye to grapefruit,
Reality slowly dilutes…

It seems like I arrive and then blink
Glass empty of drink,
Then it’s time to think…

Of saying to this paradise, “Shalom!”
Of going back to sweet home…
And greeting the garden gnome.

Shape A Life

It’s week twenty of 100 Word Wednesday, and here is the photo and my response. 🙂 If you’d like to join in, just click the link! 😉

Photo By Bikurgurl

Parents are patiently waiting for their kids
Kids who are now on summer vacation
Vacation from tests, boredom, and school
School where they all must learn
Learn things they didn’t know they needed
Needed in order to graduate
Graduate to go to a college
College where they’ll earn a degree
Degree in what? Oh, difficult decisions…
Decisions that define their future, shape a life
Life that will keep going on and on after
After these things are done and they’re on their own
Own a house, start their own family, and become parents…
Parents that are patiently waiting for their kids.

This one is so different than what I usually write. I’m not sure why it spilled out of me the way it did, but the whole thing happened in under 30 minutes, haha. XD

Delightful Vacation Day

…with 36 minutes to spare before Sunday! **whew** 😂 It is week seven of 100 Word Wednesday, and here is the photo and my response. If you would like to participate, just click the link! 😉 This week I made it to exactly 100 words! 🙂

I love this image; it reminds me of one of my favorite computer games as a kid. And who am I kidding, as an adult too. It holds a special place in my heart. Ghost Dogs of Moon Lake. If you want to look at screenshots taken from the game for comparison, here is a link to it:

Image Credit: Olivier Guillard

I approach the log cabin,
A deep breath of fresh air
I inhale to take it all in,
I’m in the middle of nowhere.

Scent of pine, almost reminds me
Of my favorite laundry detergent.
Ah, of course, silly me,
This is what inspired the scent.

Inside there is a cozy chair by the fireplace,
Perfect for curling up like a feline,
With a really good book in my face,
Totally unplugged from anything with a line.

No technology to distract me,
No electronics to keep me away,
I decide to write in a diary,
Of this delightful vacation day!