An April Day At Mamaw’s

Welcome to part two of April in Photos! 🙂

Mamaw’s daffodils! At least, I think they are. May not be. The blooms on these are so small. She let me dig up some of the bulbs so maybe I’ll have some next year. 🙂

I found some wildflowers along the path while walking to the lake.

I’m not sure what these are, but they are really pretty and have different shades of purples and pinks.

These were everywhere around the lake.

These are SO TINY.

The pink veins in the petals of this one are really neat.

I’ve never seen a flower with oddball petals like this one. Three smalls and a long one. It’s not symmetrical at all.

I heard a plane, so I thought I’d test out my zoom. I didn’t expect it to be this clear!

Apparently, there is a resident beaver living on Mamaw’s lake now.

Last photo of the day. Night was starting to fall, and the colors behind this pine were amazing.  A great way to end this post. 🙂