Opossum Tails (Mystery Photo Friday 2 / 5 / 21 answer)

For days, this young opossum came into my chicken’s run and ate the leftover feed. He’s so cute, and he didn’t mind me getting up close.

Isn’t he something? ❀

His tail looks kind of like a corn cob.

He’s a good model. And look at those little hands!!

He thought he could hide from me, but I still found him on this day. XD

If any of you have Facebook, here is a video of the little guy. πŸ™‚ …and yeah, I’m petting him with a pole. πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ I was trying to get him to leave the chicken run, but he seemed to actually LIKE being petted. πŸ€¦β€β™€οΈ

Photo Challenge: Animals

DuthGoesThePhoto.net is hosting a photo challenge this week with the subject matter being animals. Here are my photos. πŸ™‚

armadillo-digging-02 armadillo-digging-01

This is an armadillo. They are really cute but a bit shy. They are always putting their heads in the dirt to avoid the camera. (The little guy was actually looking for bugs to eat, and could care less about the camera… I was thoroughly ignored as long as I didn’t make any loud noises such as stepping on a stick. πŸ˜‚)

prim-the-opossum prim-praying

This is an opossum. They are really interesting creatures. This one hangs around waiting for leftover cat food, but I offer him // her berries, peanut butter crackers and other things because they are naturally omnivores and aren’t supposed to eat a lot of meat like cats and dogs. I call her Prim. (Though it is possible it is a boy, in which case, Phillip. πŸ˜‚) They love fruit, so on this day I fed her // him some berries as a bribe so I could take photos. In the last shot, he // she was washing his // her face, and I caught the action at just the right moment for it to look like he // she is praying. πŸ™‚