A Golden Sunset And Other Nighttime Photography

These are photos that I hinted at last week that I was posting this week – photos of a sunset, taken over a 30 minute period of time. It’s so interesting to see how the colors changed!

The sunset started with beautiful golden colors!

When I backed off the zoom, it didn’t look as golden; but you can see the purples and pinks overhead.

I also love how the clouds were kind of layered on the sky.

This is an attempt to reflect the sunset off the mudhole. It kinda worked…? 😆

It was still very golden near the horizon.

And so pink and purple overhead!

But then, the pinks and purples overhead started to creep into the golden layers. It was so captivating!

And it happened so quickly. The pink and purple horizon only lasted what seemed like ten minutes. I didn’t have a watch out there with me, so I’m just guessing.

The pinks and purples started turning gray…

And then the sky just looked gray until the sunset was over. And this has been a visual storytelling of a sunset. 🙂

Also, because Cee’s challenge includes night-time photography this week, here are a couple of bonus photos that I took on different nights. These are among the first photos I took with my new camera back in September of 2017.