A Lovely March Morning

Hello! Would you like to come with me while reminiscing on a walk I took in March? 🙂 If so, keep reading!

It all started when I opened the door to see this gorgeous animal grazing in the woods.

And then another showed up!

Then I walked to the clearing so I could watch the sunrise.

The clouds were really odd that morning.

I couldn’t help but get a lot of photos of them!

The horizon looked as if it was on fire.

After the sun rose, I went in search of wildlife and flowers.

I found some! Obviously.

I don’t know what these are, but they were growing on what appeared to be a small tree.

I really like them, whatever they are. 🙂

I don’t know what these are either, but they were growing on trees. 😀

More daffodils! (I posted a bunch in February, hence the “more.”)

Different color ones too. 🙂

Three different colors!

Sun filtering through the petals. ❤

A baby cardinal! The parents were around protecting the little guy.

These were on a tree in the woods. I wonder if it is an apple. It came out before the dogwood did so it wasn’t that.

Mom’s peach tree in full bloom. 😀

Mom’s pear tree in full bloom. 😀

And this concludes my walk on this lovely March morning. 😀 Thanks for joining me. 🙂

3 Day 3 Quotes Challenge Day Eight

I love the encouragement in this verse not to worry. (And the verses before and after it too.) 🙂

As for this photo, I’m fairly certain that this is a baby cardinal. I was so fortunate to find him. I remember the parents were trying to scare me away as I took photos, and back then, I had the old camera so I had to get very close to take the photo. I’m surprised that he let me. I prayed that he would stick around for a few good shots and he did! I had to leave after a few minutes though because my cats were getting curious about what I was photographing and I didn’t want him to become lunch. Therefore, I left and gave my cats their dinner early so he could fly away in peace. 🙂




I noticed during the time we had snow, the birds looked hungry. So I decided to feed them.  And then I thought it might be fun to take photos of the birds that came. With the new camera that my parents gave me for my birthday, I can zoom in on birds without scaring them away. Or well… that was the idea. I forgot at first that I could zoom in that much so I tried to stay nearby. That’s how these two photos happened:

Oops. Sorry birds. 😂 Anyway, then I grabbed a chair and went to the other end of the porch to sit down so that they would not get so frightened. The photos got much better after that.

I think that cute grayish little guy is called a Tufted Titmouse.

And I thought that this was a black-capped chickadee, but it turned out to be a Carolina Chickadee. Maybe.

A few weeks later, I was at it again. I believe this is a White-Throated Sparrow. It was dawn, and the bird was too far away for the flash to help, except to make the bird’s eyes light up. XD

There was a bird that I couldn’t identify that steals my cat’s food on a regular basis, and I was determined to get a photo of it.

After getting the photo, I finally found out what it is: a Red-Bellied Woodpecker!

Here it is eating my cat’s food. Silly thing. That can’t be good for it…

Knowing that Cee’s Fun Photo Challenge – Birds was coming up, I went outside yesterday to see if I could grab any more photos of birds. Here’s what showed up for food yesterday:

This is a juvenile male Northern Cardinal. I was so happy to see him! I didn’t get a shot of his parents, but they attacked any other bird that got too close to their baby. 🙂

This is one of the birds who dared to get to close to the Cardinal – a Blue Jay! This was the best shot I took of him. He was shy and stayed in the trees. Couldn’t blame him – the Cardinal’s parents were really protective of their baby and took a lot of it out on him. 😂

I think this is a Carolina Wren.

I’m not sure about this one; it looks a lot like a Hermit Thrush, but there is a splash of yellow under the wings that it doesn’t look like a thrush has.

This one took a while for me to identify. I think that this is a Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker.

This is my first time seeing one; it was exciting!

And my favorite shot of him – here he is actually drinking sap out of a vine!