First Day Of Spring – March 20th, 2018

Let’s celebrate the first day of Spring by marveling at the beauty of God’s creation! Especially the flowers…

Easter Lillies

My mom has these beautiful flowers planted all over our yard. And the fun thing is – different batches of flowers have different colors. The above one, if I remember correctly, was planted around a tree near our driveway.

This one was in the flower bed of my dad’s shop.

These were in the flower bed in front of our house.

These were outside the flower bed at my mom’s gazebo.

Peach Blossoms

This one is also known as a selfie fail. 😂 I had the camera on a tripod and put the camera on timer mode. I ended up having to get on a step-stool to get a proper selfie. And then once I was up there, I saw the bees…

If you look closely, you can see a bee in the center of this photo. Or the backside of one, anyway.

Pear Blossoms


I found this beauty at Walmart for $1. Someone messed up and put three tulip bulbs in one pot; it was supposed to be $1 for one tulip. So I guess I got each tulip for 33.333333 cents? Haha. And each tulip is at a different stage of blooming. This is the first one. I expect the next two to bloom at the end of the month or in early April. I hope we have more time the next time we go back to Walmart because I plan to look and see if they made more mistakes… 😅

I love the texture of the petals.

Especially with the sunlight filtering through them.

And the inside is really awesome too.


You’ve probably noticed that I have a fondness for wildflowers. So of course, I had to get photos of them too. 🙂

We have a few trees in our woods growing wild that have some of the most beautiful pink blossoms!

I don’t know what they are, but I really like them.

Wild violets!

I didn’t see the plant that the flower came from, but we have been getting high winds, so it could have blown in from anywhere. I’ve seen the vines that have these kinds of flowers, but the flowers on those aren’t opened yet.

This is also growing wild. At first, I thought it might be a dogwood, but no other dogwoods are blooming. The blooms remind me of my mom’s apple tree. I would compare them, but it hasn’t bloomed yet. It didn’t bloom last year either. We’re beginning to think it’s dead… but if this is a new apple tree that nature planted, I can’t wait to see if it produces apples this year. 🙂

Beautiful Blossoms

I love getting photos of blossoms. Here are a few I’ve taken; all of these are from this past spring except for the apple blossoms, which were from last spring:

Peach Blossoms

More Peach Blossoms

Pear Blossoms

More Pear Blossoms

Even More Pear Blossoms

Close-up of a Pear Blossom – also note the bug in the center. XD

Strawberry Blossom

Dogwood Blossoms