The Blogger Recognition Award (Twice!), and The Mystery Blogger Award

This week, since I haven’t yet written the next Wonder Wednesday, I decided to accept these awards that I should have accepted… months ago… **crawls under desk in utter shame** So I guess this Wonder Wednesday, you get to find out more about me. I’m not sure how I feel about that… I didn’t want to be the subject of a Wonder Wednesday, but I do like awards, so…  😆 Here we go. 🙂

(Also, I am very behind in responding to comments and I’m slowly getting to them all, just in case you have commented and I haven’t responded yet. 😉 )

Thank you to Carly and Gail for nominating me for this award! 🙂 It means a lot to me that you think I’m deserving of this award. ❤

The Rules:

1. Thank the blogger who nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
2. Write a post to show your award.
3. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
4. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
5. Select 15 other bloggers for this award.
6. Comment on each blog to let them know you’ve nominated them and a link to the post you created.

My blog started in April of 2016, mostly because my friends had WordPress blogs. I started it mainly to share things with them – I never expected so many people would visit my little blog and that I would meet so many wonderful people here. It has been a blessing. ❤

Two pieces of advice…

Firstly, let God lead you to write. When I started blogging, I never really intended to share my poetry and photos. I thought I wanted to alternate between book reviews and Bible studies. Not that there is anything wrong with those. I had put myself and this blog in a box when God obviously wanted me to do more than just that and trying to fight against it caused unneeded writer’s block and stress about writing the next post. Once I opened up and followed Him, things worked out so much better and blogging was much easier.

Secondly, read other blogs. Like the posts. Comment if you want to.  (But please don’t like and comment if you don’t actually read, haha.) The community is amazing. I was so shy at first, that I didn’t comment much. I try to comment more now.

Thank you to Amazing Tangled Grace for nominating me for the Mystery Blogger Award! 🙂 It means so much that you thought of me. 🙂 Again, I am skipping the facts part because after answering all these amazing questions, I don’t know what else I can say about myself. 😆

What is a Mystery Blogger Award?

Okoto Enigma created this award by being what she calls “creatively bored”, obliquely naming it after herself, which is both clever and cool! This award is for “amazing and ingenious” bloggers alike, who find “fun and passion” in writing.

Here are the Rules:

Put the award logo/image on your blog.
List the rules.
Thank whoever nominated you and provide a link to their blog.
Mention the creator of the award.
Tell your readers 3 things about yourself.
You have to nominate 10-20 people.
Notify your nominees by commenting on their blog.
Ask your nominees any 5 questions of your choice; With one weird or funny question (specify).
Share your link to your best post (s).

The questions I was given:

  1. What is your favorite dessert?
    • Mmm, I like so many… maybe cheesecake. 😀
  2. What is your favorite work of fiction?
    • Just one? 😮 At the moment, I really like Once Upon A Summer by Janet Oke. I read it for the second time and it was wonderful.
  3. Pepsi or Coke?
    • Coke! Haha, Pepsi is good too, but I have such fond memories of visiting my grandparents as a kid and they always let me drink a Coke in a glass bottle, and it was so special. ❤
  4. What was something that made you smile today?
    • Writing this post and seeing these wonderful people who thought my little blog deserves these awards. ❤
  5. What are your three favorite things about blogging?
    • Talking to the community. Reading posts by the community. Adding my own posts to the community. ❤

Picking nominees is sometimes the most stressful part of the awards because I don’t want to leave anyone out. So I’m going to leave these open to anyone who wants to participate. 🙂

Questions for the nominees:

Same as the ones in the awards above. 😉

More Awards!

I feel so loved, you guys. 😊 Thank you all so much! 💗 My heart is overflowing with happiness and gratitude!



First, I’d like to thank Hannah for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award for the second time! I completely forgot that you had nominated me and saw your comment when I recently updated my About Me page. I’m so sorry I’m just now getting to it.


I’d like to thank Keri L for nominating me for the Blogger Recognition Award for the second time!

I’d like to thank Keri L for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award for the second time!

I’d like to thank FaithWalkingHebrews for nominating me for the Blogger Recognition Award for the third time!

I’d like to thank LeneinJapan for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award for the third time!

I’d like to thank C for nominating me for the Versatile Blogger Award for the fourth time!

I’d like to thank Tina at Invisible Illness Blog for nominating me for the Mystery Blogger Award for the second time! (Your questions have been answered at the end of the tag.  😉 )

And I’d like to thank Allen R. Kive for nominating me for the One Lovely Blog Award for the third time!

I’m going to do this differently because I am a bit short on time and because this seems to be the perfect way to give facts about myself without repeating myself too much – because I am running out of facts to tell you all about myself. 😂

20 Things You Might Not Know About Me Tag

Eloise over on Highly Improbable Blog tagged anyone reading, so here we go. 🙂

How tall are you?

Probably as tall as I’m going to get. XD Maybe… 5’6? Taller if I decide to put on heels, which I love but my feet despise – and it has to be thick heels unless you like watching me go splat on the pavement. 😂

Do you have a hidden talent? If so, what is it?

I mentioned this on the first One Lovely Blog Award, however, this time, I’m posting an example of it – I can write backwards in print and in cursive!


What is your biggest blog-related pet peeve?

Probably when someone wields words to hurt people. That happened a lot last November it seemed, and it’s still happening. 😣 They say that the pen is mightier than the sword, but we shouldn’t be using our keyboard as a weapon to hurt people!

What is your biggest non-blog related pet peeve?

When someone uses Christ’s name in vain. (This also applies to the previous question. But I usually hear it more often than I read it.)

What’s your favorite song?

Only one? XD Uh… there are so many good songs. This one is one of my favorites ever though:

What’s your favorite Etsy shop that isn’t yours?

Uh. Is it bad that I don’t know what an Etsy shop is? **blushes**

What is your favorite way to spend your free time when you are alone?

Probably reading. I just finished reading Black by Ted Dekker (which was amazing) and I’m almost finished with Winds of Promise by Brodie and Brock Thoene. I have a huge stack of books to dive into after that. (I really should get a Goodreads account…)

What’s your favorite junk food?

Chocolate. Specifically, dark chocolate. And pretty much anything covered in it.

Do you have a pet or pets? If so, what kind and what are their names?

I do! And this may take a while. XD I have one dog named Rosie (shown below) who must think she is a cat, especially when it comes to food. She loves cat food and fish more than anything. o_O And last but not least… I have 17 cats who are as follows: Angel, Belle, Blackie, Catalina (shown below), Dottie, Firecracker, Gabby, Jay, Lolli, Mama Kitty, Monkey, Ode, Rabbit, Radar, Simone, Sketcher, and Sparrow. **whew**



What are your number one fiction and nonfiction books?

Oh man. Seriously? Haha. At the moment, Black by Ted Dekker is really trying to take over the Narnia series by C. S. Lewis for the Fiction slot, while Seeing and Savoring Jesus Christ by John Piper is overtaking The Agony and Glory of the Cross by Charles B. Hodges Jr, and it is entirely possible that Humility by Andrew Murray may overtake them both after I finish it. 🙂

What’s your favorite cosmetic?

Hmm… probably mascara (which I sometimes double as an eyeliner. XD)

When were you last embarrassed? What happened?

Oh boy… a while ago my mom and I went out to eat and I was so shy and nervous that instead of asking the waitress for tea with no ice, I asked for ice with no tea.  Strangers do it to me every time without meaning to. XD I’m still getting teased for this, but I can laugh about it now. At the time I just wanted to disappear.

If you could only drink one beverage (besides water) for the rest of your life, what would it be?

Tea! 😀

What’s your favorite movie?

Probably The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe. Classic. Although, I adore old musicals so Singin’ In The Rain and Yankee Doodle Dandy is right up there with it…

What were you in high school: prom queen, nerd, cheerleader, jock, valedictorian, band geek, loner, artist, prep?

I was home schooled and the only one in my “class.” So I guess I was everything at once…? XD Though I think I would have been a blend of class clown, nerd, and loner most likely.

If you could live anywhere in the world, where would you live?

Maybe somewhere in the mountains like the Ozarks or the Rockies. I think I could get fantastic photos there. Though I really want to see the ocean someday, so anywhere near the ocean might be nice too.

PC or Mac?

PC. I’ve never tried a Mac; and the majority of my games and programs wouldn’t work on a Mac anyway.

Last romantic gesture from a crush, date, boy/girlfriend, spouse?

AHAHAHAHAHA- sorry. The last time a boy kissed me, it was Ode, my cat, and he doesn’t count. 😜 I’m single. I’ve never had a boyfriend. Or been on a date.  The only affection I get are from pets, and it’s not romantic at all. XD

Favorite celebrity?

I don’t really keep up with Hollywood enough to know…

What blogger do you secretly want to be best friends with?

Can I cheat like Eloise did? XD I’m already best friends with Eloise (Highly Improbable Blog), Trey (Incorrigibly Cheerful) and Olivia (Refreshing Spirit), and have been since before we all created WordPress blogs. 🙂  However, many bloggers I’d like to be best friends with are already talking to me so it could happen yet. ;D

The questions that Tina asked:

  1. What made you want to start a blog? Several of my best friends had blogs, (Links to their blogs above 😉) and it seemed like a good idea. 🙂
  2. What is your favorite TV show? This is hard. XD Probably Scorpion. It’s exciting and it usually doesn’t get as gory or disgusting as many TV shows do. (Even if a lot of what they do is probably… not actually possible. 😂)
  3. What is your favorite food to cook? Mac & Cheese or Spaghetti. Because usually it turns out edible… XD
  4. What is your biggest fear? I would say being up high or being under water or being in tight spaces, because all of those do scare me but… not as much as losing someone I love. So I’m going with that.
  5. Where were you born? Arkansas, USA! Born and raised, and still live here. 🙂 Country girl at heart. ♥

Now, for the nominations, I know that some of your have received these awards before, so I’m going to do this a bit differently – instead of nominating someone for one award, the nominees can pick which one of the awards (or tag) they would like to do. No pressure to accept any though. 🙂 So here we go:

Keri L.





Daily Thankful

Southern By Design

Always, Ashlea

The Light Breaks Through

Mixed and Modest

His hands and feet

Casey Elizabeth Bean

La Petit Muse

Encouragement and Poetry

Gilda’s Poems

Shattered In Him

Isabella Simons

Martha L. Shaw

Bern Bakes




Too Comfortable

Allen R. Kive

YOU – yes, you, the one reading this sentence. If you don’t see your name and want to participate, consider yourself nominated and have fun! 🙂

Blogger Recognition Award


Thank you so much, Shower of Blessings, for nominating me for the Blogger Recognition Award!  😀

The Rules:

  1. Write a post to show your award.
  2. Give a brief story of how your blog started.
  3. Give two pieces of advice to new bloggers.
  4. Thank whoever nominated you, and provide a link to their blog.
  5. Select other blogs you want to give the award to.

A brief history of how my blog started:

This blog came into existence because a few of my friends have blogs, and I thought it might be a good idea. 🙂 I intended this blog to be half Christian posts and half book reviews and everything else, but lately, I’ve been posting pretty much all Christian topics so I suppose it has evolved into a mostly Christian blog. I do have a few boo reviews planned for the future though. They are Christian books. 🙂

Advice to new bloggers:

When I started blogging, I new practically nothing about it. I was so lost. Thankfully, my friends helped me out with the setup and figuring out how things work. I discovered this post by TheDaddyBlitz when someone reblogged it many months ago and it was a life saver. If you have a few minutes to spare, I recommend checking it out. 🙂 Until I read that post, I didn’t even now I had an admin panel! So my first piece of advice would be to read that post, if that counts. 🙂

Secondly, read a lot of blogs so that you can like a lot of blog posts and comment on blogs! That’s how I discovered a lot of blogs, when they like me or comment on my posts. 😀

Nominees, in no particular order:

Faith Hope Food

Shattered In Him

The Comfortable Coop (or The Comfortable Coop)

Pete Gardner’s Blog (or Pete Gardner’s Psalms? I wasn’t sure which to link to. XD )

Mixed and Modest

Faith, Sigh and DIY

Encouragement and Poetry

Hannah Grace

Aspiring Thoughts


Wrestling With Faith, Dancing With Jesus (Or Song of Virginity; I wasn’t sure which to link to. XD )


No pressure to accept, but have fun if you do! 🙂