Full Hunter’s Moon 2019

Each month the full moon has a name. October is a Full Hunter’s Moon. The name comes from Native American lore. (September is Full Corn Moon, which explains the lyrics from Pocahontas’ song, Colors Of The Wind. I didn’t get that until now. XD If you want to read more about how each full moon got its nickname, here is where I got the info: https://www.almanac.com/content/full-moon-names)

I made it my mission to go out and not only see it but get photos as it came up over the horizon. The only problem was, there were trees in the way. I could sort of see it through the trees but really, it made it look like the trees were on fire.

…it didn’t go as I planned. I kept changing angles and trying to see the full moon but there were too many trees. I’m not sure how long it took me, but I finally saw that I could use the trees to my advantage to frame the moon:

So instead of a bunch of fails, I started getting images like this, which I was at least sort of satisfied with.

My favorite photo of the night didn’t show the orange as much because the moon had moved away from the horizon, but the framing was pretty great:

The next full moon, the Full Beaver Moon, will be on the 12th of November. I hope I remember because I want to try getting photos of that full moon too. Hope to see you then! ❤

14 thoughts on “Full Hunter’s Moon 2019

  1. These are gorgeous Grace. So pretty, and miraculous 🙂 I loved using the almanac when I was growing my garden. It was very helpful because the moon cycles will certainly help with the growth of plants. Like root veggies needed to be planted on the dark side of the moon, and above ground veggies during the light side. It was also very good about telling weather predictions, and fun stuff like the best days to mow grass to promote growth, or to keep it from growing too fast. And of course so much more lol Thanks for sharing these wonderful pictures 🙂

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