I’ve had Jackie for a year!

One year ago last Wednesday, this happened:

I can’t believe it’s been a year! My baby has grown up. ❤

She was so little! And for the first six months, I thought she was a boy. Oops.

It has been quite an adventure! 🙂

I took this one this morning! 😀 Though technically her birthday would have been in September, I think this day is worth celebrating too. ❤

8 thoughts on “I’ve had Jackie for a year!

    • I’ve been thinking about how to respond to this, and I guess I’ll go with, I want to too. 😂 I try but Jackie isn’t the cuddle type. She will ask for petting sometimes but it has to be on her terms. She will get in my lap sometimes but her terms. 😂 But I love her anyway. ❤ I'll tell her you said Happy Birthday. 😀

      Awwwww!!! ❤ Do you have photos on her on your blog?

      Liked by 1 person

      • My daughter’s cat is not really one to cuddle with, most cats aren’t. Alley Cat was raised by me so she is a little too attached at times. She cries when I am not in the house sometimes. She will walk around each room checking for me. It drives my family crazy when she gets like that. I will from time to time post photos of some of our cats. My son has a cat too. We were only going to have the two cats but Alley showed up one day and non of the no kill shelters were accepting any cats at that time so she became apart of the family. Here is a link to a post of mine where there is a photo of her at the end. http://ourlittleredhouseblog.com/2019/09/30/updates-from-our-little-red-house-and-some-favorite-bloggers-this-month/
        All animals are so sweet to me. Have a great Sunday and God bless you and your family.

        Liked by 1 person

        • She’s beautiful! 😍 So are the chickens and your DIY projects. 😀 ❤

          Jackie cries when I'm not in the room with her too. She also will knock things over and pull books out of the bookcase to try to get me to come into the room. 😆

          So glad you were able to save Alley Cat! ❤ And I relate. The shelters around here are always full. Many years ago, we tried to find one for some puppies and never did.

          Liked by 1 person

            • 💖

              Jackie does that to me too. It’s especially annoying when it’s National Novel Writing Month. (Which is November.) It’s hard enough writing 1667 words per day to reach a monthly goal of 50k without a cat on the keyboard. 😂 But she likes to “help” me anyway.

              Yes they sure are! 😊


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