My March 2019 In Photos

Just a quick note, I’ve had a lot going on this past week. I’m behind in reading posts and responding to your lovely comments here. I’m slowly working on it. 🙂 In the meantime, here are some photos! I took a lot of photos in March. Also, coming soon will be A Lovely March Morning, and A March Day At Grandma’s. 🙂 ❤

My allergies started in March. I was sniffing and sneezing a lot. Jackie curled up on my bed and went to sleep. And then I sneezed. I looked around to see if I disturbed her, and… I think it’s safe to say I did. 😆 She looked disgusted with me. She wanted to be in the room with me to snooze, but my allergies weren’t having it. Sorry girl.

The dandelions were back!

So pretty. 🙂

Daffodil! With a little spider hiding underneath. 🙂

A robin! I don’t see many of these around here. I used to see them at my grandma’s though.

My tulips came up! Sadly, they seemed to go dormant before the bloom opened? I don’t know what happened. It was strange. The flower shriveled up and then the leaves stuck around for a while before doing the same. I dug into the pot to make sure the bulbs were okay, and it seemed healthy. I wonder when I bought them, they were on sale and meant for being displayed. I’m wondering if last year they were forced to bloom, and needed this year to gain energy for next year. I’m new to tulips so I don’t know.

Lovely little flower. ❤

Wildflowers! I like the blue color of these.

Vibrant. 🙂

And the veins in the petals of these. ❤

Oh dear! 😀 Haha. I surprised this one when outside. Oops!

I like silhouetting things against a sunrise or sunset.

This was experimental. I tried to get the nebula in the constellation Orion. This was the result. 🙂

The moon and branches! The branches are easy to see though sadly, haha.

And this is another installment of a Month In Photos! Hope to see you later for the other parts to this. 🙂

15 thoughts on “My March 2019 In Photos

  1. My allergies were crazy in March, as well. The weather in Georgia was so weird for a while, and the trees/grasses ended up pollinating at different times, so I went through bursts of sneezing, haha! It was hot, then cold, then hot again … and now we haven’t had rain for over a week, and the grass is looking scorched. XD Our climate always surprises me!!

    I love that picture of the moon! And the silhouette one against the sunrise/sunset is beautiful, too. 🙂

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh my, sorry the grass and trees decided to to that! 😮 Wow the weather there is crazy. XD

      In Arkansas, rain has been the main weather event lately. You’d think the pollen would have been washed away but it was temporary and the rain encouraged the trees and grass to put out more. (And now, on a different note, Arkansas is flooding in places because of the Arkansas River. Apparently all the rain from other states flowed into it.)

      Thank you! 😊💖

      Liked by 1 person

      • Spring was so messed up for us, haha! And then summer hit really hard ._. oh well lol

        Oh goodness! xD We’re finally getting some rain after about a two week-long drought. The grass was suffering, but it’ll bounce back soon enough!

        Liked by 1 person

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