
She loved God but she loved her sin more.
She could not have two masters, no.
She gave Him most of herself but kept in store
Parts of herself she couldn’t let go.

She was new to her faith
And went back to her addiction,
But one day she saw a wraith;
It was her death’s premonition…

She tried to get herself clean,
She tried not to fall again,
But her willpower wasn’t to be seen,
She was beaten up by sin.

Her heart was utterly destroyed,
All that was left was an empty hole;
But He was eager to fill the void,
And cleanse her darkened soul.

She fell to her knees before His presence,
And in final surrender she gave Him the rest of her life;
Continuing under her own strength made no sense,
She embraced the Ultimate Sacrifice!

Her garments were bleached white,
He forgave her for her wrongdoings,
For this girl was feeling genuinely contrite,
And ashamed over the sinful things.

But, knowing that they no longer existed,
She refused to let rule her emotion;
She no longer foolishly resisted,
And gave Him all of her devotion.

Now when she thought of the future,
It wasn’t so bleak anymore; Jesus, she praised!
She was filled with His joy, she was sure.
He was her Guide through the rest of her days.

In case anyone reading thought this was about drugs or alcohol – while writing this, I had the mindset that any sin can be an addiction, not just those two specifically.   I wanted it to be much broader than just that. 🙂 (Even Accomplishments and Achievements can be an addiction, for instance. 😉 )

12 thoughts on “Premonition

  1. Yes, you’re right. Addiction comes in all forms and just drugs and alcohol. Thanks for sharing this amazing piece! I read it twice.

    Liked by 2 people

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