Crystal Clear – Life Updates, June 2018

Hi guys! It’s been a while since I did one of these and I thought it might be time I wrote another.

As you may or may not have gathered from some of my past posts such as Allergy Season Poetry And Flower Photos, I’m an allergy sufferer. This year had been a lot worse in some ways than previous years for some reason with pressure. It turns out a lot of the sinus pressure behind the eyes that I thought I had wasn’t sinus pressure…

We made an appointment for me to get glasses. I was so nervous that I pretty much worked myself into quite a few anxiety attacks. 😅 But as usual, I made a mountain out of a molehill. Everything went fine. My eyes are healthy, just tired of trying to focus on stuff.

Glasses fixed the majority of those problems I was experiencing. 😀 I knew that I couldn’t see in the distance. I haven’t since I can remember. Haha, I thought I could see fine up close, but it turns out – I couldn’t. XD I’ve never seen this clearly before. It’s a shock. I was a bit queasy and a little dizzy after putting the glasses on for the first time. My brain was overloaded with seeing everything up close and far away.

Haha, I actually thought that all lights such as white letters on a black background on closed captioning on TV, LED clocks, etc were supposed to have little halos around the letters, which made it extremely hard to read them when they blurred the next line of text or letter and number next to each other. Turns out, they don’t. And this is caused by something called astigmatism that I was apparently born with. But the glasses took that away. It’s still weird seeing things as they are supposed to be seen.

So after over 25 years of my eyes trying to adapt to astigmatism, my eyes were tired and sick of it, and it manifested itself as mimicking sinus pressure.

For those of you praying for me, I thank you. 🙂 God answers prayer! Sometimes in unexpected ways. I wondered if perhaps my allergies caused a sinus infection or something, but nope – turned out, it was mostly the eyes. And the actual allergy problems are not so bad now – no allergy meds needed presently. 🙂

As for my adventures so far with my glasses…

  • I may have annoyed my mom by reading too many sale signs in the shopping center, and business signs, road signs, and speed limit signs on the way home…
  • When I got home, it took me a while to get used to seeing myself with glasses. I’d walk by a mirror, “WHO IS THAT – oh.”
  • I spent five minutes with glasses cleaning cloths and the spray on glasses cleaner trying to wipe a smudge off the glasses and was annoyed that every time I put them back on, it was STILL THERE. Turns out, it was glare. (Go ahead and laugh – I did! My dad did too. He was the one who suggested it was glare. XD)
  • Taking photos of myself – or my mom taking pictures of me – might be more difficult now because of the glare problem. And also, during a recent video chat, the glare on my glasses was literally showing my friend that I had two laptop screens for eyeballs. O.o I’m still working on figuring out the best angle to get rid of it.
  • I accidentally left the spoon in my tea after stirring in the honey and came close to scratching the lens  – or knocking the lens out – when I took a sip of it. (Thank you, Jesus, for protecting my glasses – and using the glasses to protect my eye!)
  • It’s nearly impossible to keep the glasses on my nose when trying to garden. As soon as my face becomes oily, they slip down my nose. My dad called me “Granny” like in the Beverly Hillbillies, which I found amusing. XD I had to go back to the eye care center and have the glasses adjusted. Now they stay on my face.
  • I saw a vulture flying low over our road. And… I actually saw it. Not a fuzzy thing being washed out by the bright sky. Crazy!!!
  • I can wiggle my ears – the left ear the best – and I’ve discovered that I can make my glasses dance on my face. I wonder sometimes if I am too easily entertained…
  • At this point, without my glasses, everything is super fuzzy. I guess this means that my eyes are now used to my glasses and aren’t trying so hard (which I’m glad of because I don’t want them to feel like they are going to explode), or I just didn’t realize how fuzzy things actually were before and now I have a crystal clear image to compare it with.

And this concludes my adventures of getting glasses. 🙂 See you tomorrow for Wonder Wednesday!

42 thoughts on “Crystal Clear – Life Updates, June 2018

  1. LOL, I’m dying right now! I switched back to glasses last year after 8 years of contacts (glasses for 4 years before that) and it’s taken me quite a while to adjust to the purple glare I occasionally see from the anti glare coating. I don’t know how many times I’ve almost speared my eye out with a spoon, and keeping the lenses clean!! GAH! Thank God for alcohol wipes (: I’m so glad to hear your eyes are healthy. Love this post.
    ps. I love your blouse!

    Liked by 2 people

    • Oh my, that must have taken a lot of getting used to!

      They asked me if I wanted to try contacts but I decided to go with glasses for now. They looked so hard to put in and… uncomfortable to wear. 😅 As someone who has worn those, are they hard to put in and uncomfortable or are they worth it?

      Aww, haha. They asked me about the glare coating but I didn’t know what “polarized lenses” were, so I said I guess I didn’t want that…. now I see glare everywhere and regret not getting those. But now I know for future reference… 😆 I know what you mean though, without the purple. I was out gardening yesterday and I ducked from what I thought was a large white bird or something flying at me – and it was glare. 😂 And the other night, I was looking at the screen of my laptop in a dark room, and I kept seeing something move. I was seeing my own eyeball reflecting off the backside of the glasses. 😆

      Aww man. 😂 Glad to know I’m not the only one who does that. 😄

      Definitely thankful for that also! 😊

      Thank you! 😀 ❤ It's one of my favorites!

      Liked by 1 person

      • LOL. With contacts, it took me about a week to adjust, and once you get the hang of them, it’s quick, painless, and super easy, and you forget you’re wearing them. However, since you suffer from allergies, they can pose a problem. They have lots of pros, but a few cons, but depending on what you’re doing, they can be the better option.
        And with contacts, you can get colored lenses. For almost two years, I wore green lenses (I have blue eyes) and just to be weird, I’d wear one clear lense and a green one on the other eye! haha.

        Liked by 1 person

        • That’s really awesome! Maybe someday in the future I’ll give them a try.

          It could cause a problem because I have allergies? Like… allergic to the contacts or a problem because I could have the allergen on my hands when I put the contacts in? 🙂

          The colored lenses really appeals to me. I love that you wore one colored and one clear. That’s really cool. XD

          I wonder if they have purple lenses…

          Liked by 1 person

  2. Hahaha! Life is brighter with glasses. Surprisingly, I adjusted easily when I got my first pair of glasses. I’m glad your eyes are healthy! Thank you for sharing and I like your outfit.

    Liked by 3 people

    • Definitely! 😀 The second day was much easier than the first, and now I’m mostly adjusted. Still having some interesting experiences with glare though. 😆

      Thanks, me too! 😀

      And thank you! That’s one of my favorites. ❤ 🙂


  3. This is a blessing. You can see better, and it resolved your sinus issues! God is good. I have glasses but only need them for reading. But they still take some getting use to. I was bad for setting mine down, in various spots, then having a scavenger hunt every time I needed them. Now I put them beside my Bible, or at the laptop :):) Problem solved.

    Liked by 1 person

    • It sure is! 😀 God is good indeed. He leaves me in awe. 🙂

      Yes but they are so worth it. 🙂

      Oh my. 😄 I’ve done that once already, and it took me a while to figure out where I left them. Glad you solved that problem. I’m trying to get into the habit of leaving mine on my desk or on my Bible as well. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  4. I suffer from astigmatism also, and near-sightedness, glasses changed my world as I had previously struggled to see what my teachers were writing on the blackboard. If you ever want really good glasses cheap, go to You can even get prescription sunglasses! Hope this helps, and God bless.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Oh wow! Being homeschooled, I never had to worry about the blackboard – I can see how that would be awful!

      Thanks for the tip! ❤ I did get prescription sunglasses, and they were 20% off because I ordered two pair of glasses total – I thought mine were cheap until I loaded that website. 😮

      It does! Thanks, and God bless you too! ❤

      Liked by 1 person

  5. Pingback: Wonder Wednesdays – What is astigmatism? | Following Him Beside Still Waters

  6. I also wear glasses (and contact lenses – depending on my mood, I wear glasses or contacts). And I remember that fateful day I went to visit the optician about 10 years ago – your post brought back a lot of memories!

    Astigmatism can be challenging, but isn’t life so much better with corrective lenses? 🤓

    Praise God that you are feeling better!

    Liked by 1 person

      • They are better memories in hindsight! My biggest challenge initially was getting my contact lenses into my eyes – it took me 45 minutes to do just one eye back then!

        Thank you for asking how I’m doing. Things of been a little turbulent lately, but I am hanging onto the Lord by my fingernails and trusting in His plan! ✝️

        Liked by 1 person

        • I’m glad of that. 🙂

          Oh wow – haha. I know I’d do the same thing. 😅 I won’t be getting contacts anytime soon, but I have been thinking about far off in the future giving them a try. 🙂

          I’m sorry that things have been turbulent lately. I’ll be praying for you! ❤

          Liked by 1 person

          • Thank you! I believe that things are beginning to turn a corner. God is faithful.

            And if you don’t need contacts, stick with glasses! I’ve been wearing my glasses more often lately – they’re usually more comfortable.

            BTW I really liked your post on the bubbles. I learned quite a lot! 💛

            Liked by 1 person

                • I’m good! The rain has helped the garden, and I’ve been enjoying watching the tadpoles hatch. 😀

                  My dad has been having migraines lately. Seems like the thunderstorms bring them on.

                  The studies are going well! The Bible study anyway. I’m almost finished with Matthew and I’ll be moving along to Mark. The GED stuff will be studied soon, I was just a lot more enthusiastic about finishing Matthew than I was starting my English studies. 😅

                  Liked by 1 person

  7. Pingback: A Pile Of Clouds | Following Him Beside Still Waters

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