Fortuitous Frog Find

This year, I want to try my hand at growing radishes and onions. A couple of days ago, I tilled the ground by hand and planted about 200 of each. (I hope my family likes radishes and onions if this works out… 😂) After tilling the earth in the raised boxes by hand, I started planting the seeds. When I began to dig a small hole to put a seed in, I saw the ground moving. I expected a bug, and as curious as I am, I dug down gently to discover what kind of bug it was; but it wasn’t a bug:

frog-in-garden frog-in-my-hand

This little guy is so lucky that I didn’t accidentally till him into the ground and chop him into pieces. As you can see, he was a small one. After he sat in my hand for a minute, he hopped away. 🙂

I’ve also had a few other chance encounters: Bee on a Wildflower and Moth with a Cross Design that Jamie was nice enough to identify as a clymene moth. (Thank you!) I had no idea it was a rare find!

25 thoughts on “Fortuitous Frog Find

  1. It’s always fun to see something unusual in your garden. Never saw a frog in mine (unless toads count), although I once raised some tadpoles in my garden, that I thought were toads, but they turned out to be spring peepers haha!

    Liked by 1 person

    • It sure is! 😀 Ooohhh, I love toads too. Wow, that is really cool! Haha, I raised some tadpoles a few years ago in a mud hole, but it turned out the opposite of yours – they turned out to be toads. 😂 It is really cool to watch them grow up and turn into frogs or toads. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

      • Yeah, I the idea was to introduce a bunch of toads in the garden, since they’re so beneficial, and to up the otherwise low toad population in my neighborhood, but unfortunately they were frogs haha! Still very fun though to raise. Awesome to see them when they transition out of the water!

        Liked by 1 person

        • Ah, I see; that is really cool. 🙂 I’m sure that spring peepers are beneficial too. 😊 Haha, we have an abundance of toads where I am. I had hoped they would keep the mosquito population down. XD Yes! 😀 And watch their little legs form, and finally leave the water for good. (I always miss them when they leave! 😂) I’d love to get photos of them transitioning this year, but it’s hard to do when they are under water. I did get a couple of shots last year, but there were no legs yet.

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          • Yeah, that’s cool! Luckily, I was able to get a lot of good shots. But that was only because I had made a small temporary “pond” with a sheet of plastic. So the water was very clean and which allowed me to photograph them fairly easily.

            Liked by 1 person

            • Oh, that’s really great! 😊 Have you shared any of those shots?
              Haha, that works! 🙂
              Did you feed them? I sometimes threw a piece of dry cat food in to watch them come to the surface to nibble at it. 😂 But usually, they seemed to get enough without my help.

              Liked by 1 person

              • No, I never did share the photos. And actually I don’t remember ever feeding them. Which, thinking back I’m surprised they found enough to eat considering the water was so clean. But they all made it on their own, haha! Guess, they didn’t need my help! But yeah, it was pretty cool watching the whole process. I think I had 30 or so of them.

                Liked by 1 person

                • 🙂
                  Oh! Haha, I’m sure they found something to eat then. 🙂 I once saw that an earthworm had fallen into the water and drowned, and all the tadpoles in there were all over it. o_O So I suppose any bug that fell in fell victim…
                  I remember once I stuck my hand in and tried to catch a few, and I found out if I left my hand very still, they would swarm around my hand and sort of… lick my hand? It was very cool. XD I wish I had thought to get a photo of that…
                  Wow, 30? That’s awesome. 🙂 I had at least 20 last year, but after they grew up and left, the toad came back and I would get 20 more. XD During one rainy year, I had probably 60 or so in there at the same time, but the eggs must have been laid at different times because they were all different stages. It was very overcrowded; the younger ones were happy when the older ones left. 😂

                  Liked by 1 person

      • We deduced it to tomatoes and lettuce since we’re urban gals. lol But hope to progress to more vegetables in the future. I believe more people will be interested in growing food since the price is going up.

        Liked by 1 person

        • Oh, good choices! 😊 Ah, I see. 😂
          I’ve never had much luck with lettuce for some reason, but I may give it and spinach a try this year if i have room after everything else I want to try. 🙂
          Oh yeah, definitely. Haha, I was surprised to see that the grocery store was selling bell peppers for $1 apiece… o_O


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