Like The Roe

It is week four of 100 Word Wednesday, and here is the photo and my response. If you want to join in, click the link! πŸ™‚ This week it is 100 exactly! 🎊

As the hart longs for the water brook,
So longs my soul after Thee, my Lord!
With my whole being, do I look,
And I find You are the Living Word!

Because of You, the deaf talked,
The sick and ill were healed,
The disabled got up and walked;
The Glory of God, revealed!

Let our hearts be filled with joy,
And leap around like the roe
In the wood; for this Boy,
Over two thousand years ago,

Came and died for us,
So that He may forgive!
I thank you, my Savior Jesus;
Because of You, I may live!


*Psalm 42:1 and Isaiah 35:6 inspired the first and second stanzas. πŸ™‚

10 thoughts on “Like The Roe

  1. Pingback: Wind-Up Week 4: 100 Word Wednesday – Bikurgurl

  2. Congratulations on getting just 100 words! I know for me that it’s sometimes difficult to be concise, the challenge of editing is fleeting and this is what helps me achieve the practice I need! Another lovely hymn of praise — thanks for joining us πŸ™‚

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